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Manufacturing Engineering & Design Services

Design Systems Canada Ltd. specializes in providing manufacturing design services tailored to the Canadian market. Our experienced team offers a wide array of services, from pre-start health and safety reviews and finite element analysis to arc flash studies and TSSA document preparation.

We assist businesses in navigating complex regulations and ensuring compliance, while also optimizing designs for efficiency and safety.

Manufacturing facility design, industrial design, and Industry 4.0 services

We offer comprehensive support throughout the project lifecycle, from concept development and bid package creation to project management and site installation coordination. Our team of CAD designers, engineers, and industry specialists collaborate to deliver innovative solutions that meet the unique challenges of Canadian manufacturers.

Pre-Start Health and Safety Reviews (PSR’s)

In Ontario, a Pre-Start Health and Safety Review (PSR) is a legal requirement under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). Distinct from other inspections, a PSR is an integral part of industrial design, proactively identifying potential hazards that could lead to worker injury during routine operations. The goal is straightforward: eliminate or control hazards before equipment or processes are put into use. A PSR demonstrates a business owner's commitment to safety, taking the time to analyze processes and implement safeguards.

PSRs are conducted by experienced safety professionals and require certification by a licensed engineer. This comprehensive review process encompasses design reviews, risk assessments, vendor approvals, site inspections, calculations, and adherence to Ontario codes, ideally culminating in a deficiency-free report.

DSC PSR Health Safety Reviews
Design Systems Canada Electrical Engineering

Finite Element Analysis (FEA’s)

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a powerful computational tool that simulates how physical products behave under stress. It's particularly valuable when dealing with complex designs, loads, and materials that can't be easily solved with traditional methods. FEA is widely used in engineering to design structures, analyze heat transfer, study fluid flow, and much more.

FEA software allows us to model your project, reducing the need for costly prototypes and experiments. At DSC, we leverage FEA to provide you with detailed reports that highlight stress points and assess the overall viability of your design, helping you optimize performance and safety.

Arc Flash Studies

An arc flash study is an essential electrical safety analysis that assesses the worst-case arc flash hazard within a facility's electrical system. This powerful tool quantifies the potential severity of an arc flash incident, which can cause devastating injuries or fatalities. By determining the incident energy at various points of interaction, the study empowers workers with crucial safety information and control measures to mitigate the hazard.

An arc flash study provides numerous benefits: it safeguards workers, ensures regulatory compliance, enhances electrical system reliability, and minimizes legal risks. By proactively identifying hazards and implementing safety protocols, organizations can foster a safer work environment and protect their most valuable assets – their employees.

DSC Arc Flash Studies
TSSA Reviews Document Preparation

Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) Reviews and Document Preparation.

The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) in Ontario is responsible for inspecting boilers, piping, fittings, and pressure vessels. While DSC doesn't conduct these inspections directly, we offer crucial support in preparing the necessary application documentation for design approval.

Depending on the engineering specifications, businesses modifying or installing new pressurized systems may need to complete a TSSA registration application. DSC assists in this process by providing advice, developing drawings and specifications, and ensuring a smooth submission to the TSSA. This support is exclusive to Ontario and carried out by experts in industrial equipment and pressurized systems.

We meticulously prepare and submit your application to the TSSA for their review and inspection. This process can involve design reviews, risk assessments, site inspections, calculations, and code research, all aimed at achieving successful registration for your project.

Design Systems Canada Ltd.

Manufacturing Design Services with a focus on Canada

DSC 3D Laser Scan

Other Services Offered

Industry 4.0 Services such as 3D Laser Scanning, 3D Modeling, Manufacturing Execution System (MES), and Photogrammetric Surveys

  • 3D Laser Scanning

  • Engineering Services

  • Industrial Engineering

  • Warehouse & Distribution

  • Manufacturing Execution Systems

  • Simulation Engineering

  • Electrical Engineering

  • Facility Layout & Design

  • Industry 4.0 & Digital Twins

  • Project Management

  • Mechanical Engineering